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Version: v1.0.1

Python SDK

In this document are exposed all classes implemented inside the Python SDK.


To interact with the Radicalbit AI platform via the SDK, the first thing that must be done is to create the client. The only required parameter is the base_url, which is the URL of the running platform.

from radicalbit_platform_sdk.client import Client

base_url = "http://localhost:9000/"
client = Client(base_url)

Once you have a client instance, you can interact with models inside the platform. ß The available methods of a client instance are:

  • create_model(model: CreateModel): it is used to create a brand new model inside the platform.

    It requires a CreateModel instance and returns the created Model.

    from radicalbit_platform_sdk.models import (

    model_definition = CreateModel(
    name="My model",

    model = client.create_model(model_definition)
  • get_model(): It gets a specific and existing model by its identifier. It requires the id of an existing model and returns the Model instance.

    model = client.get_model(model_uuid)
  • search_models(): It gets a list of models. It returns a list of Model.

    models = client.search_models()


It represents an instance of a monitored model.

The available methods of a model instance are:

  • uuid(): It returns the UUID identifier of the model

  • name(): It returns the name of the model

  • description(): It returns the model’s description, if provided

  • model_type(): It returns the ModelType

  • data_type(): It returns the DataType

  • granularity(): It returns the Granularity used by metrics aggregation

  • features(): It returns a list of ColumnDefinition representing all the feature definitions

  • target(): It returns a ColumnDefinition representing the ground truth

  • timestamp(): It returns a ColumnDefinition representing the prediction timestamp. This field is used as reconciliation between reference and current datasets

  • outputs(): It returns an OutputType representing the model outputs, including prediction and possibly prediction probability fields

  • frameworks(): It returns the used frameworks, if defined

  • algorithm(): It returns the used algorithm, if defined

  • delete(): It deletes the actual model from the platform

  • update_features(features: List[ColumnDefinition]): Update the model features definition if reference dataset is not provided.

  • load_reference_dataset(file_name: str, bucket: str, object_name: Optional[str] = None, aws_credentials: Optional[AwsCredentials] = None, separator: str = β€˜,’): It uploads a reference dataset file to an S3 bucket and then binds it to the model. It returns a ModelReferenceDataset.

    Method properties are:

    • file_name: The name of the reference file
    • bucket: The name of the S3 bucket.
    • object_name: The optional name of the object uploaded to S3. Default value is None.
    • aws_credentials: AwsCredentials used to connect to S3 bucket. Default value is None.
    • separator: Optional value to define separator used inside CSV file. Default value is ","
    reference_dataset = model.load_reference_dataset(
    file_name="reference.csv", bucket="my-bucket"
  • bind_reference_dataset(dataset_url: str, aws_credentials: Optional[AwsCredentials] = None, separator: str = β€˜,’): It binds an existing reference dataset file already uploded to S3 to the model. It returns a ModelReferenceDataset.

    Method properties are:

    • dataset_url: The url of the file already uploaded inside S3
    • aws_credentials: AwsCredentials used to connect to S3 bucket. Default value is None.
    • separator: Optional value to define separator used inside CSV file. Default value is ","
    reference_dataset = model.bind_reference_dataset(
  • load_current_dataset(file_name: str, bucket: str, correlation_id_column: Optional[str] = None, object_name: Optional[str] = None, aws_credentials: Optional[AwsCredentials] = None, separator: str = β€˜,’): It uploads a current dataset file to an S3 bucket and then bind it to the model. It returns a ModelCurrentDataset.

    Method properties are:

    • file_name: The name of the reference file
    • bucket: The name of the S3 bucket.
    • correlation_id_column: The name of the column used for correlation id
    • object_name: The optional name of the object uploaded to S3. Default value is None.
    • aws_credentials: AwsCredentials used to connect to S3 bucket. Default value is None.
    • separator: Optional value to define separator used inside CSV file. Default value is ","
    current_dataset = model.load_current_dataset(
  • bind_current_dataset(dataset_url: str, correlation_id_column: str, aws_credentials: Optional[AwsCredentials] = None, separator: str = β€˜,’): It binds an existing current dataset file already uploded to S3 to the model. It returns a ModelCurrentDataset.

    Method properties are:

    • dataset_url: The url of the file already uploaded inside S3
    • correlation_id_column: The name of the column used for correlation id
    • aws_credentials: AwsCredentials used to connect to S3 bucket. Default value is None.
    • separator: Optional value to define separator used inside CSV file. Default value is ","
    current_dataset = model.bind_current_dataset(
  • get_reference_datasets(): It returns a list of ModelReferenceDataset representing all the current datasets and related metrics

  • get_current_datasets(): It returns a list of ModelCurrentDataset representing all the current datasets and related metrics


  • It represent an instance of uploaded reference dataset.The available methods are:
  • uuid(): the UUID identifier of the uploaded dataset
  • path(): The URL of the dataset in the object storage
  • date(): When dataset was uploaded
  • status(): The status job of the while it is calculating metrics
  • statistics(): If job status is SUCCEEDED then returns the dataset statistics
  • data_quality(): If job status is SUCCEEDED then returns the data quality metrics of the current dataset
  • model_quality(): If job status is SUCCEEDED then returns the model quality metrics of the current dataset


It represents an instance of uploaded current dataset.

The available methods are:

  • uuid(): The UUID identifier of the uploaded dataset
  • path(): The URL of the dataset in the object storage
  • date(): When dataset was uploaded
  • status(): The status job while it is calculating metrics
  • statistics(): If job status is SUCCEEDED then returns the dataset statistics
  • data_quality(): If job status is SUCCEEDED then returns the data quality metrics of the current dataset
  • model_quality(): If job status is SUCCEEDED then returns the model quality metrics of the current dataset
  • drift(): If job status is SUCCEEDED then returns the drift metrics of the current dataset


It contains the definition of a model to be created.

Its properties are:

  • name: The name of the model.
  • description: An optional description to explain something about the model.
  • model_type: The ModelType of the model
  • data_type: It explains the DataType used by the model
  • granularity: The Granularity of window used to calculate aggregated metrics
  • features: A list of ColumnDefinition representing the features set
  • outputs: An OutputType definition to explain the output of the model
  • target: The ColumnDefinition used to represent model’s target
  • timestamp: The ColumnDefinition used to store when prediction was done
  • frameworks: An optional field to describe the frameworks used by the model
  • algorithm: An optional field to explain the algorithm used by the model


Enumeration used to define the type of the model and to calculate the right metrics. Available values are: REGRESSION, BINARY and MULTI_CLASS.


Enumeration used to define the type of data managed by the model. Available values are: TABULAR, TEXT and IMAGE


Enumeration used to define the granularity used by aggregations inside metrics calculation. Available values are: HOUR, DAY, WEEK and MONTH.


It contains the definition of a single column inside a dataset.

Its properties are:

  • name: The name of the column
  • type: The SupportedTypes of the data represented inside this column
  • field_type: The FieldType of the field


Enumeration used to define the available types that a column definition could have. Available values are: int, float, str, bool and datetime


Enumeration used to define the categorical type of the field. Available values are: categorical, numerical and datetime.


It defines the output of the model.

Its properties are:


It defines credentials needed to authenticate to an S3 compatible API service.

Its properties are:

  • access_key_id: Access key ID needed to authenticate to APIs
  • secret_access_key: Secret access key needed to authenticate to APIs
  • default_region: Region to be used
  • endpoint_url: Optional value to define an S3 compatible API endpoint, if different than AWS. By default is None