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Version: v1.0.0


The Reference section stores all the information (statistics, model metrics and charts) related to the reference dataset. Throughout the platform, all the reference information is gray-coloured.

Data Quality​

The Data Quality dashboard contains a descriptive analysis of the reference variables. It adapts itself accordingly to the model type and shows information such as:

  • Number of observations
  • Number of classes (not in regression task)
  • Ground Truth Distribution
  • Histograms for Numerical Features
  • Descriptive Statistics for Numerical Features (average, standard deviation, ranges, percentiles, missing values)
  • Bar Charts for Categorical Features
  • Descriptive Statistics for Categorical Features(missing values, distinct values, frequencies)

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Model Quality​

The Model Quality dashboard contains all the metrics used to evaluate the model performance. Many of them are computed through the prediction/probability compared to the ground truth. Naturally, the platform computes the proper metrics according to the chosen Model Type.

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The Import section lists the path where your reference CSV is stored. If you have a private AWS, the file will be saved in a dedicated S3 bucket otherwise, it will be saved locally with Minio (which shares the same syntax as S3). To see your reference dataset stored in Minio, visit the address http://localhost:9091.

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